Remove a Calendar Virus from Your iPhone


If you notice phantom events appearing on your iPhone calendar that you never created, a calendar-based virus could be the cause. Generally, iPhones are not susceptible to viruses and other diseases, but in this case, the user has likely unknowingly subscribed to a spam calendar. And the consequence? Terror and constant notifications that can clutter your phone. In case you’re wondering how to get rid of such spam events from your Apple devices and how to protect it using the antivirus AVG, here is a step-by-step process.

how to remove calendar virus from your iphone

What is a calendar virus?

The so-called “calendar virus” isn’t actually a virus as it is commonly thought of; it’s simply a means of spam in which spammers inundate hundreds of thousands of calendar invites and events with people they can. People typically find and subscribe to spam calendars and marketplaces that engage in unsavory business practices. The good news is that there is an easy assurance for dealing with a ‘calendar virus’. Just a few steps more, you will.

How to Remove the Calendar Virus from Your iPhone ?

Step 1: Delete the Spam Calendar

Launch the iPhone settings application.

Next, tap once more on Delete Account, and that should confirm the step. Deleting the account should help delete all the spam events in your calendar.

This might solve most of the unsolicited events in your calendar and so reduce space as well as annoying notifications.

This should remove most of the unwanted events from your calendar, freeing up space and reducing any annoying notifications.

Step 2: Clear Your Browser History

As it often happens with calendar viruses, this usually starts with someone clicking on a spam link, so it is advisable to delete browsing history to get rid of any stashed spam links.

  • Go into Settings, then select Safari (or whatever browser you use for your web browser).
  • Then scroll down the page and tap Clear History and Website Data and confirm that action.
  • This will assist in deleting links or pop-up messages that may have been stored and led to the subscription in the first place.

Step 3: Turn off calendar notifications (if necessary).

In case the spam events still keep appearing even after deleting the account, there’s an option of disabling calendar notifications on a temporary basis:

Go to Settings, then to Notifications.

Select Calendar, then turn off Allow Notifications.

You can reactivate notifications when the spam is settled.

How to Avoid Calendar Spam with AVG Antivirus

Even though getting rid of a calendar virus is not a challenging task, preventing it in the first place is far more effective. You can use AVG Antivirus to safeguard your device from malicious content and other spam or phishing attacks as a means to gain access to calendar viruses.

Real-Time Protection: AVG Antivirus includes an active monitoring feature that has the potential to stop you from clicking on harmful links by accident.

Web Shield: Limiting the likelihood of endorsing spam calendars or any other annoying subscriptions is possible since this setting prevents the opening of harmful links and sign-ups for phishing scams.

Privacy Protection: With the use of AVG’s utilities, a device’s security can be increased beyond just malware. We also help reduce the chances of pop-ups and unwanted ads that may invade your calendar.

Automatic Scans: AVG may conduct automatic scans against any potentially harmful items, be it tenacious browser history or uninstalled files, to ensure your device is free of threats.

Lastly, with AVG Antivirus, your iPhone is appropriately secured from unnecessary spam and other intrusive materials, preventing future enhancements of calendar spam, which is quite appealing.


Deleting worms on iPhone iOS devices is a very simple process. Eliminate suspicious calendar accounts, clean the cached web pages, and always use programs such as AVG that help to shield your devices. Instead of deleting unwanted calendar events in the future, spend a little effort to make sure that one doesn’t happen today. LG AGV’s many use

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